What's It Like Being An Artist in Your Community?
If you asked me this question 5 years ago, my response couldn't have been more different. This is the capital of California and is surrounded by agricultural fields, and so the feel of Sacramento is a morph between a city and regional town. Sacramento is also very patchwork economically, with both poverty and wealth sometimes on the same street.
Sacramento is certainly not a visually snazzy city like San Francisco, and tourists might only stop for a day on their way from Yosemite to Lake Tahoe.
But for middle-income earners it's a surprisingly livable city, and the artist community is flourishing.

The picture above is not exactly where I live. I'm on the outskirts, in the ‘burbs of Rancho Cordova where the American River affords afternoon walks with the dogs and mid-Summer dips.

Up until 6 months ago, painting was a pretty isolating experience for me. I didn't know other local artists, and I considered painting as an opportunity to have downtime after a busy week at work.
Now that I am involved in the arts community and have made invaluable friendships, this outlook has shifted 180 degrees. I see creativity as a shared experience, even on days when it's just me in the studio. There are 3 local artists that have made a true impression on me.
I am lucky and honored to have Sabrina Abbott as a friend, and can share with her the excitement of works-in-progress and the events that we are collaborating on together. Her painting style and dedication to the artistic process is an absolute inspiration. Below is a photo of her work.

Through Rancho Cordova Arts I also met Autra Oliver (@eclecticladyart on IG), a determined and compassionate artist who we can both share a deep appreciation for accountability and goal-setting. We meet once a month for co-mentoring sessions which as been a novel, informative and engaging experience.
And finally I'd like to mention Marsha Mason (www.marshamasonworks.com), President of Rancho Cordova Arts who tirelessly works behind the scenes to provide local artists with opportunities for growth and connection.
It has been enriching to be involved in this art community, and I am honored to have last week been elected on the Board of Directors.

I hope this glimpse into my art world has been interesting to you! I'd love to hear from you, so if you have comments or questions, email me at info@eileennoyer.com.
Do you live in Sacramento? If so, mark September 21-22, 2019 in your calendar because Sabrina and I will be hosting a Sac Open Studios event; a once-a-year experience across all of Sacramento and coordinated by Verge Center of The Arts.
We will be hosting art demos, sensory-focused free kids art activities, and our work will be for sale. It's an opportunity for local art patrons and visitors to learn about the artists' process and inspiration.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Warm Regards,